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February Birthstone: Amethyst

February Birthstone: Amethyst

Amethyst, the luminous purple variety of quartz, has long been cherished for its beauty and mystique. As the official February birthstone, it’s a gem that symbolizes wisdom, clarity, and inner strength. From soft lilac hues to deep royal purples, amethyst jewelry offers a versatile and elegant way to celebrate this enchanting stone. Whether set in a subtle yet sweet necklace like this Gilded birthstone necklace or a statement ring like these from Chroma or Jamie Joseph, this radiant gem captures the essence of tranquility and sophistication.

Steeped in history, amethyst has adorned the crowns of royalty and the altars of spiritual leaders for centuries. The name itself comes from the Greek word amethystos, meaning “not intoxicated,” as ancient Greeks believed it could ward off drunkenness. Beyond its regal past, amethyst is also thought to bring balance, peace, and protection to its wearer—making it more than just a beautiful stone, but a meaningful talisman. Today, some of the most prized amethysts are mined in Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay, where vast deposits produce deep, richly colored stones. Other sources include Zambia, Madagascar, Russia, and even parts of the United States, each location contributing unique variations in hue and clarity.

For those born in February, wearing amethyst jewelry is both a stylish and symbolic way to honor their birth month. This stone’s rich purple glow adds a touch of elegance to any look. These amethyst and pink sapphire enamel earrings by Alice Cicolini are beautifully handcrafted and unique. No matter how you wear it, amethyst remains a timeless gemstone that embodies grace, resilience, and a touch of the extraordinary.


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